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Maximiliane Anna Doll
I loved working with Maxi, she is very gentle and intuitive and helped me seeing my blind spots, which has been deeply hidden in my soul and stopped me from living my potential. I thank you for the experience and want to acknowledge you for bringing out my potential and allowing myself to stand in my light even in difficult moments in my life!!
It was an incredibly eye opening and cathartic process which taught me important lessons about setting boundaries, letting go of control, forgiving myself and others and being grateful for all I have and all I have learnt through my experiences. The coaching course also taught me about accountability, setting short, medium and long term goals, making time and space for self-care and showing myself the love I show others. I especially loved having the workbook and being able to work with the tools after the coaching program!
Thanks for the amazing coaching experience.
Abigail, Social Media Manager, London
"More freedom in myself. That means that I give myself more freedom in space and in thinking.
That I can let go when I am ready for it and I also trust myself more that I can.
To give myself the strength that I have for others. To give the trust that I have in others to myself first and foremost. I have received through Maximiliane's coaching a clarity for myself, although everything was already there I could not see it.
With your help, I am again fully aware that I may also be loving and trusting to myself with all my heart."
Danica, Fashion and Product Designer, Germany
Hi Maxi, vielen Dank für die tolle Coachingzeit mit dir. Über die Monate hat es mir sehr geholfen, vermehrt aus meiner Opferhaltung herauszukommen, zu identifizieren, was für mich männliche und weibliche Rollenbilder sind, was ich an ihnen mag oder auch was ich abstoße. Ganz krass weitergeholfen haben mir die Übungen und Anstöße für Vergebung sowie People Pleasing. Super fand ich auch die Kombination mit der Energy Arbeit. Du hast mich angeregt, meine eigenen Grenzen und Bedürfnisse in Beziehungen zu sehen. Auch haben mir die Inner Child Visualisationen sehr weitergeholfen, um vergangene Momente nochmal durchzuarbeiten. Und natürlich das wichtigste “alles einmal durchfühlen”.
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